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Stay Home Camino

“Exciting and empowering.”


Oh Stephanie! Congratulations on an incredibly successful home-based Camino. A fantastic idea drawing on your own Camino experience. For me it has been a truly life changing time. It brought me through a period of depression and grief for my mother, myself and the world. Your process helped me to shine light on my shadows and to see that I was the one getting in my own way.
Looking back at the photos of myself I posted on FB and then again after “facing myself” and my beauty (on the video exercise you gave me) I saw a different face. Not one filled with grief, not-good-enough or concerned tension, but emotion, serenity, humour and inspiration. I have been more present to myself and to this moment, learning not to judge or be attached to outcomes. Just one footstep at a time and who knows where I’m headed, what might unfold – and that is exciting and empowering. Rather than strangling the life out of life in a desire to be SOMEONE or to CONTROL everything – grasp, gasp!
It’s been wonderful to identify the stories in my head and to get them out of my head, to shatter some of the programs on my hard drive – truly freeing. Stephanie you have led this online Camino masterfully and provided us with different tools each week to help me navigate and make sense of myself in life. I heartily recommend your Camino to anyone who is willing and ready to transform themselves and clear their decks to allow the energy of life to circulate within and through.
I have loved our wee community and the rich sharing of our lives, our creativity. I will miss this.
Belinda Falconar

Stay Home Camino participant, Waikanae, NZ

A program of self transformation for people who want to address the longing in their heart, guided by the principles of pilgrimage.

This program is modelled on our successful Write of Passage program, which has been reformatted as a book writing intensive called Write the Book of the Thesis.

Stay Home Camino is an explorative pilgrim adventure. 

Stay Home Camino is a 4-week course designed to simulate the Camino pilgrim experience – a journey your facilitator has undertaken several times.

Stay Home Camino will engage you simultaneously with your interior and exterior world.

Experience pilgrimage! Entwine your inner and outer worlds, as within so without. Experience your world anew.

As challenging as occasional moments may be on our journey, in no time you’ll laughing like you haven’t laughed in years.

Unfurl yourself as you meet the challenges of the transformation. Stretch. Know yourself. Reflect, reset, renew, one step, one word at a time. And write beautiful words. That I promise you too.

This program includes:

  • weekly themes typical of the Camino experience
  • a weekly live Zoom session, an opportunity to meet for coffee with your fellow Stay Home pilgrims, just as you would on the Camino. The session includes focussed discussion and writing exercises
  • writing prompts and challenges to take with you on your weekly journey
  • private Facebook group to share the journey with your fellow pilgrims.

Details: 4 weeks, 1 hour a week face to face, live online (Zoom), with connection on the private FB group between sessions.


Stay Home Camino was founded on the principles of pilgrimage, a significant purposeful journey that will not let you go until you reach your destination.

As an experienced writer and pilgrim, the program’s developer and facilitator Dr Stephanie Dale understands the identical demands of both journeys: they require courage to step forward on the path, and offer personal transformation to those who keep going.

Thank you Stephanie and my pilgrim team. I feel nurtured, I feel connections to nature talking to me every day. I feel me. Last night I commenced the next step in my next project. I am holding my own flame and walking my path more solidly than ever before. I felt the energy of this soul purpose. I am filled with gratitude for the reconnection to myself/soul through pilgrimage, the wildness that is ignited within. I am at one with my feet falling softly onto the earth. This is inspired life. I am thankful.”

Pilgrim, Stay Home Camino


In Stay Home Camino you will:

  • address the deep longing in your heart
  • act on your inspiration
  • plan a book or other project of importance to you – a small business perhaps, a trip somewhere important to you, resolution of aspects of self that no longer serve you
  • create a map for the journey ahead
  • build your writing confidence and your writing capacity
  • receive regular guidance, encouragement and support from your facilitator
  • experience sharing the journey with other pilgrim writers.

Small groups, live facilitator. All sessions facilitated by Dr Stephanie Dale.

Testimonials: writing a book is a Write of Passage!

Write of Passage provided me with the skills,motivation and encouragement I needed to tackle a book project. With little background in writing or literacy I’m thrilled to be confident and comfortable to write.”

Marie Kelly, author

Diamonds in the Dust would not have happened without Stephanie Dale. Thank you Steph for sharing your wisdom, guidance & encouragement, & for giving me the belief in myself to take on my writing dream.”

Cathie Colless, author

“Steph gave me direction and the confidence to achieve one of the most rewarding accomplishments of my life.
Thank you.”

Kate Gadsby, author

“To all the writers out there, you do not have to be a writer as such like you think it means. I highly recommend this course. It’s personal, heartwarming, beautifully confronting. It’s safe. You will be in awe of yourself.”

Donna-Lee Wynen, author

“Steph’s facilitation & mentorship helped establish the habits I needed to get my children’s series written. But more so, it helped me understand the things that get in the way of simply writing every day.”

Bill Wade


“If you have any little stirrings of wanting to write, or big dreams of publishing your own writings, this course is definitely worthwhile.”

Patt Gregory

“Since starting this journey, I have found it so much easier to believe, trust n allow the author in me, to feel bold, proud n creatively free. Such a release.”

Jill Graham

“I stepped into this world, unsure and tentative, however it did not take long to relax into the process and trust. Steph has unique group facilitation skills.”

Catherine Brennan

“When I joined Stephanie’s writing group I had a title and a very loose collection of jottings. Stephanie’s insights provided in a very collegiate and supportive manner enabled me to produce a book with some pride. I highly recommend Stephanie to anyone who feels the need to write and wants to do it well.”

Graeme Bartrim, author

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